By Amauris Betancourt.
Art feeds generally on life experiences and represents them esthetically always hoping, more than drawing attention, to make people reflect and to pave the way for changes or at least to bring them up.
There are thousand of motives which are brought up by the research of the artists engaged with the social environment. The pieces by Danza del Alma (Soul Dance) a contemporary dance company from Villa Clara, stands out for the well-chosen topics and the staging of choreographies stemming from every-day life conflicts of modern man.
Pelotón (platoon) and Juegos de Guerra (War Games), two of the three pieces staged at the Eddy Suñol theater in Holguín City, deal with Cuban people's every-day life existential depictions and worries of a society approached precisely from the view point of a contemporary Cuban ballet company combining, this time, war and cultural themes.
Soul Dance showed an artistic solid discourse thanks to its interpreters, all men, who transferred histrionically and with symbolism the inspiration theme provoking laughs although an interior reflexive look on reality prevailed.
The company, founded in 1995 and headed by choreographer Ernesto Alejo Sosa touring the Island now, made its last presentation in Holguín last night. The Suñol theater, after its re-inauguration, is in need of these artistic casts to recover the public that it always had.