jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Rene González, one of the Cuban Fives, Visits University of Holguín

By Amauris Betancourt.
René Gonzales laughs while looking at some caricatures by Marcial Flores.
The Heroe of the Cuban Republic René González, one of the Cuban Fives Heroes four of which are still in USA prisons, visited this morning the Humanity School of the University of Holguín.
Waiting for the translator versión.
René met workers, proffesors and students and, after listening to their experiencies, addressed them.
René González addressing the university students.
René González addressing the university students. 

Talking to Erich Thomas, the translator and proffessor of English at the university.
He made an excellent impression because of his humbleness, shyness and honest way of looking. 

René González by his wife.
 He also visited a caricature exhibit at the student house in the university campus.
Marcial Flores, holding the caricature, gives away a piece to René González.

Yanelis y Gustavo, journalism students, interview René González.

René González and wife talking to Yasser Toledo, journalism students.

University students pose for a picture with René González.

Student square.

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

Artists Solidarity Brigades Performed in Bariay Key

Por Amauris Betancourt.
Argentinian folks group.
Artists Solidarity Brigades Performed in Bariay Key during the 19th Iberoamerican Cultural Festival last Octuber 28, after 521 years of Columbus arrival through this place.
Monument to the tTwo cultures  encounter in Bariay Key.

Make-believe of Columbus arrival in Cuba.

Make-believe of Columbus arrival in Cuba.

Steel Band from El Cobre Town, from Santiago de Cuba, performs.
Wine and Cassaba (aborigen's bread).

Tierra firme rock band.

Suiss rock group Over You.

Suiss rock group Over You.

Bariya natural anphitheater.

Argentinian folks group.

Venezuelan folks dance company.

Iberoamerican Parade

Argentinian folks company. Photo: Amauris Betancourt.
By Amauris Betancourt.

Iberoamerican cultural peoples diversity paraded last Octuber 25 through Holguín's city streets where international, national and local artists delegations showed their art and costumes during the 19th Iberoamericna Cultural Festival.
Representation of Cristophorus Columbus and his carabels. Photo: Amauris Betancourt.
 The parade, headed by members of the Spanish community in Cuba, started off in El Quijote park through Aguilera Street till the Iberoamericna House.
Spanish community reps. Photo: Amauris Betancourt.

Ballet español de Lina Sanz. Photo: Amauris Betancourt.

Argentinian folks group Amerindian. Photo: Amauris Betancourt.

Argentinian group of integrating dance Alma. Photo: Amauris Betancourt.
Arcanjo theater group. Photo: Amauris Betancourt.

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013

Cuban Writer Jaime Sarusky Dies in Havana

Jaime Zarusky during a book launching in the Uneac building in Holguin in March 2011. Foto: Amauris Betancourt.
 Jaime Sarusky, top Cuban writer and reporter who grabbed the National Literature prize (2004) was a thorough researcher on immigration, passed away in Havana last August 29, at the age of 82..
Jaime Zarusky during a book launching in the Uneac building in Holguin in March 2011. Foto: Amauris Betancourt.

Latin Grammy for Cuban Juan Formell

Translated by Juan Carlos Dominguez.
Juan Formel during his last performance with Los Van Van salsa group in Holguín in Agust 2011. Foto: Amauris Betancourt.
Prominent Cuban musician Juan Formell will be presented with the 2013 Latin Grammy Award to Honor Excellence, given by the Latin Recording Academy, on November 20.
Juan Formel during his last performance with Los Van Van salsa group in Holguín in Agust 2011. Foto: Amauris Betancourt. 

sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013

Postume Homage to Cuban Journalist Irma Armas

By Amauris Betancourt.

A heartfelt homage to Irma Armas Fonseca, Cuban-Holguin born journalist, was carried out in this city press house by her colleagues a week after her death in Havanna city.

Picture of the deceased journalist. Foto: Amauris Betancourt.

Irma Armas was founder of the Cuban female National Revolucionary Militia, president of the Press Association in Holguín and founder of the Pablo de la Torriente Brau Publishing House.
Maria Julia Guerra, friend and colleague of Irma Armas, evoke parts of her life. Foto: Amauris Betancourt.

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013

Cold front brings about drizzles in Holguin

Maceo and Frexes street. Holguiín city. Foto: Amauris Betancourt.
The Cuban city of Holguín had a rainy dawn today due to the weather conditions as a result of a cold front announced by the National Institute of Meteorology. After a warm climate last night and sporadically rains, umbrellas in different colors paint the morning scenery above the head of people moving from here to there like busy ants.

Frexes street. Fotos: Amauris Betancourt.
Frexes street. Foto: Amauris Betancourt.

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

Pain in the mourning in Cuba of president Chavez death

Foreign medicine students..
History museum La Periquera holds mourners for Chavez death.
Foreign languague students.
Foreign languague students.
Mourning Chavez death.