martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

Artists Solidarity Brigades Performed in Bariay Key

Por Amauris Betancourt.
Argentinian folks group.
Artists Solidarity Brigades Performed in Bariay Key during the 19th Iberoamerican Cultural Festival last Octuber 28, after 521 years of Columbus arrival through this place.
Monument to the tTwo cultures  encounter in Bariay Key.

Make-believe of Columbus arrival in Cuba.

Make-believe of Columbus arrival in Cuba.

Steel Band from El Cobre Town, from Santiago de Cuba, performs.
Wine and Cassaba (aborigen's bread).

Tierra firme rock band.

Suiss rock group Over You.

Suiss rock group Over You.

Bariya natural anphitheater.

Argentinian folks group.

Venezuelan folks dance company.

Iberoamerican Parade

Argentinian folks company. Photo: Amauris Betancourt.
By Amauris Betancourt.

Iberoamerican cultural peoples diversity paraded last Octuber 25 through Holguín's city streets where international, national and local artists delegations showed their art and costumes during the 19th Iberoamericna Cultural Festival.
Representation of Cristophorus Columbus and his carabels. Photo: Amauris Betancourt.
 The parade, headed by members of the Spanish community in Cuba, started off in El Quijote park through Aguilera Street till the Iberoamericna House.
Spanish community reps. Photo: Amauris Betancourt.

Ballet español de Lina Sanz. Photo: Amauris Betancourt.

Argentinian folks group Amerindian. Photo: Amauris Betancourt.

Argentinian group of integrating dance Alma. Photo: Amauris Betancourt.
Arcanjo theater group. Photo: Amauris Betancourt.