Translation: Juan Carlos Dominguez.
Holguin (Sept 16) It was September seven. The eastern Cuban city of Holguin woke up more agitated than usual. Hurricane Ike had pattered this city with its strong winds after having ravaged the coastal municipalities. The upper part of the tower of the Cuban Telecommunication Company (ETECSA), dangerously bending forward, could not stand the force of Ike hurricane's winds.

That day, quite surprised, people walked the city and witnessed that it had a common view every where: fallen trees and power and telephone posts that had been knocked down. However, passers-by got really overwhelmed by something unusual here, the upper part of the ETECSA tower, located right in Holguin downtown, had given in to Ike's strong winds and its gusts so much that it started to threaten the nearby dwellers and passers-by if it happens to fall. No one could help looking at it, huge, as the queen of the sky, the passing clouds gave a sudden impression it might fall.

Passers-by, dwellers, the whole city, including the police, were attracted by this 'creature' that forced the government to declare downtown a disaster area, and top security measures were undertaken.

The ETECSA company had summoned its experts to get the damaged part of the tower down to the roof of the building where the Holguin branch of the company is harbored. The 60 meter tower is placed over a five story building.

The experts behaved courageously, especially 'El Chino' -the alias for Reynaldo Oliva.El Chino, "… we all are heroes because it was a team work. I made a big effort, but bringing security to the city (Holguin) was worthwhile."
Pedro Valiente, from Guantanamo, eulogized the Company for having bought and supplied all the required means for the workers' security.

Juan Jose Gonzalez, chief of security and health in ETECSA-Holguin said, "It was a very risky work, but we are satisfied with the operation and the expert's job, it was successful because discipline was closely followed. I want to congratulate the groups from other provinces, the Police and the paramedic personal.
This tower is no longer a danger. Hurricane Ike went away leaving behind much destruction but an army of people doing the recovery work in Holguin streets. The tower was pending matter. Today it is already history.

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