“…as a reward and a motivation to the people from Holguín…” said Fidel Castro Ruz ten years ago when the Lucía Iñiguez Landín Clinic and Surgical Hospital started off with medical services. The health care was a field to improve in the Revolution to come according to the program advanced in The History will absolve me in 1953.

The health center gives also medical aids to the provinces of Granma and Las Tunas, stated Dr. Teresa Guillén, director of the hospital, when expressing her satisfaction at the head of a team where human and moral values prevail.

Holguín's Surgical Hospital has been successful in renal transplants, in general surgery, in the introduction of new surgical techniques – videoendoscopics, for example –, and the only institution in Cuba in the practice of 24-hour-a-day minimum access surgery, said doctor second grade specialist surgeon Rosell Batista Feria, hospital founder.

Imagenology, privileged area, includes technologies such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, mono and multi-cut computerized Axial Scanners, Densitometers, Doopler and conventional Ultrasound, X-Rays among others.

The provincial Ophthalmology Unit, inaugurated recently and updated with the most modern technology like the Excimer Laser introduced today, has assisted and intervened surgically about three thousand patients in less than a year.
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