miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

Nostalgia Biographer

By Jorge Luis Sánchez Grass.

written for the "Nostalgia Memories" Exhibit catalogue.

Photojournalist Amauris Betancourt has become in a natural way, thanks to deliberate and unconditioned reasons, the Nostalgia biographer (Arañando la Nostalgia Music Festival). His snapshots have accompanied each Festival celebration.

The artist's accusing eye has undressed our purposes. He has been more than once a hidden eyewitness to many concerts and February alibis to enjoy ourselves. The photoreporter has turned out to be a main character at different planes. Sometimes very close to first planes; sometimes just taking part, but always an observer or a witness, with low or high profile, accepting in each moment responsibility and risk. That gives this exhibit a testimonial and ethical value sorting out his pieces as tangible documents of an epoch reaching now five years.

Diversity is concise and exhaustive, and embraces a wide scope. The images have come out of different technical supports, and so has quality. However, the artist's quality breathes above all apparatus. Actually, nothing seems more lucid that accepting the sincere and heterogeneous character that settles down the interrogation. Because each photo accounts for it: an interrogation turned into an answer where the author’s iconographic eloquence stands out.

Let us thank the truth’s unbreaking possibility to emerge from a deep genuine call. Amauris Betancourt adds up to it: a reality's vital segment, defining and strengthening the most beautiful and humble language, the enjoyable act to change it on the way to perfection.

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