viernes, 2 de abril de 2010


Holguín: The City of the Parks, the City we Love
By Maylín Betancourt Verdecia.
Amauris Betancourt.

Each city has its history; pages marked by that unerasable footprint that smell of past, present and future. My Holguín's parks are as old as the city itself and have borne witness to the going back and forth of all the Holguín generations.

When thinking of them I can not help bringing to mind the joy, sadness, friendship, dreams and loves its benches have warmed. The first parks –the San Isidoro Square or now Julio Grave de Peralta Park and the Parade Ground nowadays Calixto García Park, were born in 1720 to become the heart of the city.

Today we have many more and, as in the beginning, they still are the most important urban places. They have it right to say that the one visiting Holguín for the first time gets so delighted with the parks and its rhythmically street disposition and coherent organization that they always want to come back for a visit.

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