miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2014

Gibara I: While Waiting

Gibara is always a temptation to photograph. It is impossible to keep the lens covered. Thus pictures were taken as I waited, strolling around, for the III Stereo G Electronic Music Festival to kick off.
The aeolic park, wind mills to produce energy, is becoming a symbol of this sea village. They are located in the way to Caletones beach. Foto: Amauris Betancourt.
Céspedes street in Gibara. Slogans on walls can render quiet iconic when put together in a picture with other elements of the cityscape. Foto: Amauris Betancourt.
The sculpture facing the sea has a thing about it that gets the eye. Foto: Amauris Betancourt.
Beach at the city way in, driving from Holguín, used a post by the camping site entereprise. Foto: Amauris Betancourt.

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